Phil Bassham

g-HEY: A Gmail Filter Management App

The Best

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Gmail Filter Manager is a web app that makes it easy to manage Gmail filters. The app uses the Gmail API to replicate features of popular email clients, but with a focus on leveraging the native filter features already built into Gmail. With Gmail Filter Manager, users can easily manage their filters and create a more efficient and organized email experience.

One of the key features of Gmail Filter Manager is the email screener. This view places all email from first-time senders in a separate folder, allowing users to easily identify and triage emails from unknown sources. This is particularly useful for avoiding spam and staying organized.

Another useful feature of Gmail Filter Manager is the "focus and reply" view. This view allows users to mark certain emails to reply to, and presents them in a list with the email on the left and reply box on the right. This layout makes it easy for users to quickly work through email replies without distraction.

In addition to these features, Gmail Filter Manager also includes a feed view that auto-expands email to be able to read newsletters and other informational emails like a feed reader. This makes it easy for users to stay up-to-date on important information without having to wade through cluttered inboxes.

Finally, Gmail Filter Manager also includes a filter manager view that provides an easy-to-use interface to see and manage every filter. This view allows users to quickly and easily see all of their filters and make changes as needed.

Gmail Filter Manager is a powerful and user-friendly tool for managing Gmail filters. The app demonstrates skills in web development, API integration, and user experience design.